Wednesday, September 29, 1993

Story Using Unit 7

Core Words

On Wednesday I got a assignment that was I have to write a story with my core words. And they are trim, cross, dress, brag, crab, drip, trot, drag, brass, drill, bread, and true. Then I have to turn my homework in.

Monday, September 27, 1993

English Page 49

If was clown I woalnd be camedy clown or a bull clown. I woalnd like to make peeple laugh. and I like to

Wednesday, September 22, 1993

The Soccer Story About Me

This year I was on a bad soccer team. I didn't like it because we lost every game. I liked it becasue once or twice I got a goal with one of my team mates. I did all the work on my team. My team was doing nothing. I liked doing all the work with no help at all. I was in all 4 quarters in the game!